Using AI technology to increase ranking position and room revenues on OTA (booking,expedia,airbnb,..). Using big data to help hotels to get deeper insight of themself and competitors. Collecting room price,room inventory,customer profile,ranking history, room and more details of 1 million hotels and B&B in the world. Helping B&B to operate their online business including global customer help, OTA operation, Facebook fan page management, online reservation and reduce efforts of B&B.

趣比比提供三項服務,分別為OTA代運營,OTA數據分析與OTA排名優化服務. OTA代運營是協助民宿業者經營及管理OTA如, airbnb.com的顧客意見回覆,對帳,系統串接,FB粉絲團經營,訂單管理,庫存與定價. 而OTA數據分析則是收集全球150萬間飯店與民宿的房價,房型,庫存,銷量,顧客來源等數據,讓民宿及飯店可以輕易的分析自己及競爭對手的經營狀況. OTA排名優化則是運用趣比比獨家的人工智慧技術,提升民宿業者在OTA訂房平台的排名,以獲取更多的訂單及營業額.

Address: 4F., No. 43, Xinming Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 320, Taiwan (R.O.C.)